It is about a single feature that is so widely used in Zoom that I did not even think a serious competitor can lack the function – sharing your system audio with your colleagues and audience while presenting something on your screen. This is not about whether it is better than Slack, Zoom, Google Meet, Rocket.Chat or Jitsi. This is not about the pros and cons of Teams. Clear the stage for Microsoft and their all-in-one remote working solution Microsoft Teams. Naturally they had to find an alternative to make home office somewhat functional – and took their chance with a company that is undeniably one of the biggest in the world, but certainly also not the most dynamic and disrupting one – at least in recent years. The reaction especially from some of the bigger corporates on the market was quite restrictive – in many business environments Zoom is not considered as a trusted solution for the exchange of information anymore. One the one hand side this made service providers for such tools one of the very few beneficiaries of the current situation – on the other hand, though this attention on their products also revealed some skeletons in the closet that are not all particularly brand-new discoveries but gained some momentum through the much bigger audience that is currently perceptive for those topics – yes, I am talking about the (beloved and hated) video chat solution by Zoom Video Communications Inc.

With one of the most easily spottable and certainly necessary breaks with normality the closing down of office buildings around the world not just left public transportation nearly empty even around rush-hour – it also created an entire new home office situation for the employees.īeing forced to work out of the own house or apartment changed the usual working routine of millions of people from one day to another – which immediately resulted in the rise of remote collaboration tools to an extend that was never seen before. Things have changed quite dramatically in the past weeks – and while the intention of this article is neither to analyze the socio-economical aspects of the crisis nor shed some light on the business side of it, it is somehow directly related to the massive transformation millions of people are currently facing.