It sure would be awesome if this mixer keeps on working for years, cuz it blew us away performance-wise. We love this mixer,as it does it all for us. The only weak spot is the channel compressors, but there is a sweet spot that makes them useable. We added a decent effects unit, supplying a global reverb across all channels. The preamps get the job done, sound as good as any other budget mixer, while the channel inserts allowed us to use high quality outboard gear where needed. The 3 Band EQ actually sounds good, all the faders have an equal resistence when moved, plus individual channel mutes are essential kit. The routing is straight-forward, with a Main Mix for your PA speakers, plus a second set of outs via Mix 2 that are perfect for sending to a recording interface. We found that the Mixpad MXP144 provided them all at the best price available. We didn't need a high $ studio grade mixer, although we had a list of needed options. This mixer actually surprised us, provides way more quality than we expected.